

  • A Hawaiian couple named their child Talula Does The Hula, seriously. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/7522952.stm
  • You could try an epiliator? Hurts (a lot) the first couple times, but you get used to it and eventually it's nothing. Can stay smooth for around 2 weeks (personally). If you have waxed before then it should be too bad, it's just another option :)
  • Hey, I'm new to this but here we go. 1. I buy most of my veggies fresh, it's always good because if you have left overs you can prep a meal, and freeze it, so for days when you can't be bothered, you have a healthy meal thats ready in 2 mins. Of course you don't have to buy them all fresh, it's still vegetables. 2. Canned…