tmlizzy Member


  • Yours is truly an inspiring story! The way you tell your story is well written and thought out and speaks to the struggle that so many of us face. Thank you for so eloquently sharing and inspiring me to continue on this journey. It's not that I want to give up, but there are times it feels so difficult to continue…
  • I love the idea of using different articles of clothing! Hadn't thought of it before, but it's so clear why it works. Great idea! Congrats on the progress!!
  • Wow! What a true inspiration your story has become! The one we all are seeking to become, really. congratulations on the journey!!! You look amazing. Keep up the great work and the life's lessons!!
  • I have a playlist of songs that get me dancing a little and moving in my seat at work. That's what I walk to when I walk during my two breaks, which is when I walk. I find that I like the songs and something I want to dance a little bit. :)