dilysin Member


  • I know BMI are not the be all and end all, but they are a simple indication of where you are at, and it seems that yours is 25.2, which indicates that you don't really need to lose weight. I agree with the suggestion of toning up, develop some killer abs and tight butt , transform your shape (not suggesting that you need…
  • Dalmatian... why do you think they were firedogs? they are incredibly fast, and incredibly good at guilting you into taking them for a run..
  • I love carbs, they taste sensational, plus they give your brain an energy source, which is also good.. and they taste good (I think I already said that). And they don't make you fat, energy in > energy out makes you fat, the body is amazing, it can make fat out of everything, carbs not so much, it can happen, but there are…
  • Nicely put, I am a bit OCD which is why it is bothering me so much, theory seems sound, fat does not make one look pretty it is all floppy and unshapely, nice lean body mass on the other hand a nice shape makes. Fat is very important, but also so very dangerous and worse still, so very tasty, what an evil double-edged…
  • My issue is not the semantics themselves, I am comfortable with my own understanding of weight and heaviness etc, but more the way it is affecting the entire post. If someone is giving very detailed advice in regard to their weight loss technique, and part of the argument is wrong because of an apparent lack of…
  • If i was an OP and obviously very passionate about a topic, to the point of wanting to share my knowledge and research because I thought it would benefit others, I would want to know if there were any inaccuracies. It is evident that the OP is extremely passionate and has put a lot of time and effort into her research…
  • I think you are confusing the word dense with heavy. It is true that muscle is heavier than fat per cubic metre, hence it is more dense, the way that water is more dense, and therefore heavier than oil etc. However when comparing two things that weigh the same (ie. 2kg of muscle and 2kg of fat) they weigh the same,…
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