

  • Unless you are having side effects that are insurmountable by the loose skin (rashes that don't go away, back pain from carrying loose skin, etc.), you don't ever HAVE to have the surgery. Any surgery is full of risks. Anesthesia itself is an issue. Not mention risk of infection, etc. I think that the largest issue is that…
  • I am committing to 60 miles. I want to walk each dog for one mile/ day. :-) I'm going to attempt to place the ticker I made... don't know how well I'll be at updating it (this is all new to me). How do we report our progress? Just reply to this thread?
  • I had the RNY surgery. I can tell you that while I lost a LOT of weight with the surgery, I also learned bad habits (i.e., if food isn't "moist" and covered in sauces, I can't eat meat, etc.) and gained half the weight I lost back. Ironically enough, that still makes me, statistically, a WLS "success"... but I'm still…
  • Greetings! I too have over 100 to lose. :-) Looks like there's quite a few of us out there.
  • Nursing was a career switch for me. I was an occupational therapist and had set up an OT program in a residential psychiatric setting right out of school. When I burned out on psych and wanted to get back into the physical medicine side of things, I started thinking about being a RN (with plans to become a nurse…
  • You're not alone. I had RNY 2001; lost 200 lbs; over the last 9 years I gained back appx. 120. This week, I went back to what my surgeon's restrictions were-- mainly NO FLUIDS with meals, lean proteins, limited carbs/ no simple carbs, no sugar in a serving >5gm. I've been feeling fuller and have lost a hair over 8lbs in 4…
  • I've been pre-logging (I need a plan); then if something happens (forgot my lunch at home, woke up late, etc), I change the entry to match what I actually ate. I don't "complete" my food plan until the end of the day, when I'm done eating.