emilyhein727 Member


  • @Capt_Apollo thanks for the links! I joined each group. The reason I'm doing this is because I always get bored with my exercise routines. If I'm only running or only biking for exercise I tend to stop because I have nothing to work for. Having a tri on the calendar is something to work for. I feel like I have a lot of…
  • @capt_apollo good advice, thank you. I will use lighter weights and concentrate on cardio! @marathonmom72 great advice. I am going to try to swim at least 2-3 days per week. My goal is definitely to just be able to finish-- not worried about time. The swim is an open water. I'm definitely going to try to practice first.
  • Swimming is my weakest area-- I plan to train a little more than what the plan calls for because I do need so much work in that area! I can run about a 10-11 minute mile right now, but can only run about 2 miles at once. I'm hoping this plan will train me to run 3 comfortably. I'm not sure what my biking stats are, but…
  • I am following this training plan: http://www.trinewbies.com/tno_trainingprograms/10wtp.pdf It recommends weight training 2-3 times per week, and emphasizes using lighter weights to build lean body mass. My profile picture was taken about a year and a half ago, at the time I probably weighed 140 (I'm 5'9") and now I'm…
  • My tri is in 11 weeks. I started officially training on Monday. It's a 500 meter swim - 11 mile bike - 5k run. I'd like to lose about 15ish pounds during this training process and gain some muscle definition. The training program I'm doing is plenty of cardio, 5-6 times per week, plus weight training 3 times per week. I…