

  • Yeah for you!!! 22 lbs GONE....That is 22 packages of BACON gone from from your body!!!!! I can't wait to say that!!! You completely ROCK!!!! Yes...let's do this together!!! As far as the college teams, Ohio fan,...I have ALWAYS be a diehard Razorback fan...until my son was recruited to play ball for the Air Force Academy!…
  • Hey Liamsmom...the plan I have is from http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_3/181.shtml My teaching partner and I plan to run the Livestrong Challenge in Austin in October. I have found I needed to repeat some of the first weeks ...I just wasn't ready to move on! It is so cool to say..."I ran this morning!" "I am a…
  • Hello new from Iowa! I am finding everyone kind and supportive, as well! Best of luck to you... Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • No.. my family hails from Spain. My best friend's little boy began calling my Yaya and the nickname has stuck! I knew it was Greek for Grandmother (which I am NOT and better not be anytime soon!) but not many people know that! It's really cool that you did! Are you Greek? My Grandaddy (the one from Spain) always enjoyed…
  • Hi New from Michigan...I am New from Arkansas! This is my first post...I was trying to decide what to write, when your post showed up! It is much easier for me to write to one than to masses...I don't have a picture posted as of yet...but it is coming soon. I just started logging my food and exercise on this site Thursday,…