

  • I would probably do either WW or MFP, as they are both counting up points to a certain amount, it's just that WW works out their points differently (based on calories, but high fat/sugary foods are more points). I would then try and make sure that I was eating high protein but keeping within the points/calories allocated…
  • Anastaciak - angelic29 - ArmadilloNZ - Atalantanz - Bekkaz - Bekkaz or Bekkazalien bonandbax - BylesFam - cadiam - Cadium carleybarley - carleybarley CountryMummy - CountryMum darkstartrails - Kluger debsilou - debsilou dejaca - romeosmum Dejay50 - dejay* denz100plus - Denz Excited1973 - Excited footykam - Kamox fourbees -…
  • Oh, I didn't realise skim milk had more carbs (although only a few grams?) I try to keep my carbs down, but don't like the taste of full fat, so will stick to the skim. DP has full fat. Thanks for the other ideas, I usually don't do rice, but I guess I could use brown rice/wild rice?
  • Great to see so many ebbers on here. I got the hungry thing too, so I eat toast for breakfast (which I find way more filling than cereal) and then no morning tea and eat at lunch, I am finding snacks really chew through my daily allowance. I am stoked too, going out for my walks and finally being able to run part of the…
  • Jeez, I hope my results are that good, well done!