

  • People having conversations while on the equipment or sitting there five minutes between sets when I or someone else is waiting on the machine...oh and models the ones that come in with a full face makeup, poon poon shorts and prance around the gym trying to get attention...GTFOHWTBS!! I am trying to get in and out...Aint…
  • DON'T GIVE UP!! All this may be true but you need to regroup and start from where you are now. First if you are going to weigh yourself make sure the scale is calibrated (how do you do this) it it is a electric scale take a 3-5 pund weight and set it on th scale it should register the exact amount of the weight...do this…
  • Even when you dont have time you have time...by this I mean when all else fails for exercise, situps, pushups and leg lifts, fireman, glute squeezes or a 10 min workout DVD (QT has a series) anything to get you right before you go to bed. It is the small steps that make big gains...you can also do calf raises when standing…