Hello, I am Kim, and I have been on this site for a little over a week. I am feeling better already, and I already lost three pounds. I never thought I could lose the weight this fast, but if you stick to it, you will feel better about yourself in no time. Good luck.
Hi Kristy, welcome. I am Kim, and I have been on this program for a little over a week, and I feel better already. It is hard at first, but if you account for everything you do each day, you will notice a dramatic difference. In one week, I lost three pounds, so if I can do it, so can you. Stay with it and good luck.
Hello. My name is Kim, and I just started this program about a week ago. I have been wanting to get healthy some time now, but have never found the right program to keep me on track. Just searching around last week, I found my new home, and I am already feeling better about myself. I have a long way to go, but I know I can…