sarahpolak56 Member


  • I'm new to this group, but i feel I can relate well to this group. Over eating is a big problem for me. I eat when I'm bored, sad, stressed, happy, pretty much any time! But when I start eating, I can't stop. Any advice on keeping myself from eating when I'm not hungry? Or advice on stopping myself from eating more when…
  • And feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • I have that same problem where I always say I'll do better tomorrow. And even if I mess up a little bit, I keep eating like crap because I tell myself I've already ruined it for the day. But try to remind yourself that each day you give up you're taking a step backwards and every day you do good it's a step forward. Once…
  • Do you eat a supper? Or is your snack at 4 the last thing you eat?
  • I guess I don't necessarily need someone to PUSH me (since that is hard to do online) but I need someone who I can relate to. Lately I've been having trouble eating healthy because I've lost a lot of motivation. I'll eat really well for the majority of the day but then binge like crazy at night. I feel like I'm the only…