

  • Yummm....Cheesecake Factory! Good stuff! :) You never know with salads because the dressing could be so high in fat and/or calories. You could just ask for a low cal dressing (or the dressing on the side and use it as a don't eat as much that way), I don't think that is being too high maintenence. Also, almost…
  • I heard his weight loss book was bad...I never bought it. But, his smoking book is AMAZING!! :)
  • I also read Alan Carr's book to quit smoking! Wednesday will be 6 months. I was already overweight at the time and ended up gaining another 8 pounds or so...GLADLY!! I have tried almost every way to quit out there and always said, it is not the physical withdrawal, but the mental withdrawal that keeps me smoking. Every…
  • Hi All, I am considering buying the Zumba for Wii on eBay. Some come with a belt, is that required? If you don't use the belt, do you have to hold a controller? Thanks! Wendy
  • Hi Jo, Today is also my first day and I also quit smoking almost 6 months ago. Already being over weight, I have been terrified of putting on even more weight. I have gained about 7ish pounds since quitting. Feels great to not be chained to those smokes, though, hah?? Great job! Wendy
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