Thanks RMariaT! I can empathize with everything you are saying... it is so true. Thanks and "Healthy Eating" to you!
Hi coolrider! It is nice to have company and encouraging company too! I just got back from walking inside my building (it is raining outside) and logged in a half mile...woohoo!
Thanks for the helpful information. I'll definitely check those sites out. I understand about taking pictures (specifically I'm the taking them NOT in them).
Hi Pat! It is nice to meet someone who can understand the things I've went through. I'd like to "chat" with you later too. And don't worry, I vent very well and you can too! Talk to you later! Val
Thanks Matty Sparky and tkrall for the welcome. It is a lifestyle change and I do agree that diets don't work either. It will be a hard but rewarding challenge for me. And I'm also finding out that the older you get the harder it is to lose weight!