

  • I agree measure yourself aswell you may have lost inches all over your body! I wouldnt worry or get upset, You lost so much so quick, I lost 7lbs in 2 weeks and I really need to up my game now, Also if your exercising quite a lot you may need to bump your calories up more for the days you are burning more. Dont give it up…
  • Hi I weigh myself every Thursday. :) Quite a bizzare day but I dont have scales so I go to my moms and use hers lol!
  • Im the same actually, I have no imagination when it comes to lunches! Jacket spuds, salads and sarnies are the best I can do! :)
  • Hi! Im Lauren and I live in Warwickshire! Been using MFP for a few months but seriously getting back into it again after christmas, want to lose around a stone and keep it off! Lol! Hope everyone is having a good day after the weekend! x
  • I know how you feel! I think sometimes though you can just tell in the clothes you are wearing (ie feeling looser?) and also losing inches on hips, stomach, arms, etc.. dont give up!! x