Here's your southern translation......'water pill':wink:
Yeah, well it's been raining here pretty much since before Gustav hit! Today is the first day of sunshine, so I'm in a much better mood! Sorry it's raining where you are.
Another Florida resident here.....just east of Mobile. We've been keeping an eye on both Gustav and Hanna for a while now. Not liking either of them!!!
How cute!!! I have 4 kittes, and the little one, Peanut, has a fetish for my yarn that I knit with! I will come home from work in the morning and will find 2-4 balls of yarn strewn through 4 rooms in my house (from the storage room, through the living room, through my bedroom and into my bathroom).
After losing 60 lbs 4 yrs ago, I'm determined NOT to become another statistic and regain all my lost weight....and then some. I'm nipping my weight gain in the bud (after gaining 40 of it back....ACK!) ...thus here!!! I accidentally found this site through another member and so far I LOVE it! I love that I haven't had to…