

  • Doing some sort of rigorous excersize in the morning. Shoot for a 500 calorie burn. Followed by a light late breakfast and skip noontime lunch in favor of early afternoon grubbing. I know I will be eatting wings and drinking beer - so at least I wont feel THAT bad about it if I stick to my plan.
  • Foo Fighters Weezer Black Keys
  • Riley said it right - plan for it in your daily caloric intake. Sucks cause you sacrifice nutrician for the drinks - but eat enough other good stuff and just compensate for the appx 100 calories per drink. And on a drinking day do some excersize in the morning or during lunch break to pad your calorie stat. For every hour…
  • I probably have seen some of those same things you have seen about how diet soda is bad for you. I drink a lot of diet pepsi. I used to drink about 2x44oz while at work, then come home and have at least 2-3 more cans with dinner and into the evening. Over the last 4 months, I usually have a couple cans in the morning, a…
  • In general comparing to the average guy, his intellect is superior, his detective skills are superior, and his nuchuck skills are superior. At the base he is "just" a human with money, but he has intangibles that a lot of regular people dont possess.