

  • Hey :-) I found out I can eat everything I want...Just needs really small portions of unhealthy food...So that made the choice easier for me. Because I like to eat much, and get the feeling of not wanting nothing more... On veggies I can do just that!!! Eat and eat and eat RIDICULOUS amounts.. And that feels good... So…
  • Hi Steph... I am Vibekke... Started today too.. Love this site. Done sth similar earlier...I really need that food diary :-)
  • I am :-) And I just started today... Managed to go thru the day, yet got 1040 kcal...but feel very hungry at this moment! Gonna have a homemade smoothie without any sugar. I try to tone down from all the bread, pasta, rice and potatoes and porksmeat...But I eat alot of everything else. Fiber-bread, low-karb energy drinks…