

  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter: :happy: Hey, You CAN do this!! I also am quickly approaching the big "50" and also I wanted to lose about 75 pounds- so there are a lot of similiarities. I have a new grandson that I love and want to be around for. This has helped me get started on my goal. Even though i…
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter :smile: This is a battle so many of us face each day. If there is something that you really want, you are better off giving yourself a reasonable portion and being sure to include it in your daily calorie count. Picking at this and that adds up before we realize it. I just…
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter :smile: My theme is "Never Give UP!". I have "started over" several times myself. It is easy to get discouraged but taking each day, one step at a time will get you there. You can do it. By the way, you look beautiful in your picture- I love your outfit. I spent 2 years in…
  • :smile: I also go to a gym and try to go 3 times a week. A trainer at thg gym showed me a series a weights to use. He said to use enough weight that it was somewhat challenging but not so much that I couldn't use each machine at a pretty steady pace. I do 3 sets of 10 each. I bet there are others here with more experience…
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter I am from about as far in Western Kentucky as you can get- a little town on the Mississippi River.
  • :smile: You've lost 50 pounds!! WOW. Good job! That's about what I'd like to lose. Beth S
  • Created by - Free Calorie Counter :happy: Welcome! I just recently joined but am already enjoying it. Good luck! Beth
  • :happy: Starting over!! This is the story of my life. But my theme is "Never Give UP!!" Just starting (for the first time or ??? time is half the battle. Good luck!
  • :smile: Created by - Free Calorie Counter Hi, my name is Beth. My niece introduced me to this site and I love it. I have been dieting and have lost about 25 pounds but still have a lot to go. Maybe reading about other's successes will encourage me. Congratulations to everyone. I know it is hard work but…