

  • Okay, count me in! New to this whole thing, so any tips would be great!
  • Totally agree with the diet comments! Eating healthy can be a challenge at first. Maybe, instead of a drastic change, add a fruit or veggie to every meal. I like salads for lunch and dinner with grilled meat on them. Filling but, not fattening. Also, a walking buddy is not the same as a personal trainer, but can be a great…
  • Totally! I am new to this site and need the encouragement. I want all my weight off before my baby brother comes home on leave in November from Afghanistan. I am doing the Couch to 5k program and the Flat Belly Diet, kind of.
  • I just started running again last week and was soooo sore! I found that doing some yoga before and after helped out a lot! On my "off" days, I try to do a workout that is easier, like walking and ball workouts. Do you have a rotation schedule? Like core one day, legs the next and so on? That can help with soreness too.…
  • cashews and some crasins!
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