AKcanookie Member


  • Cold bright and sunny here in Alaska :-) Its a balmy -3F this morning but supposed to be warming up to 35 by wednesday. Everything looks shiny and bright with the snowfall from last night. They announced the Iditarod restart will take place in Fairbanks this year due to the lack of snow in some areas. The last few years,…
  • Dammit - I think some of my Claret just shot out of my nose! LOLsssssssssssssss Excellent joke! Risotto Orgasms - YES PLEASE - I'll have what he's having! OMgosh! sounds delicious Falling Down - Scott & I were doing our weekly grocery shop @Costco and wound up having to shorten the trip. Lower back pain from my…
  • Tammy - funny - we've been thinking of moving to Montana LOL My hubby was born and raised in Upper Lake California and came to Alaska to work and live when he was 19. I'm from Niagara Falls Canada. We met online in 1998 and married in 2001 on Kodiak Island. Its definitely been one heck of an adventure. It is so beautiful…
  • last one tonight .. if you want to listen to some interesting stories about Alaska - this is a good series... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjl8yq_x8U0&index=2&list=TLGGDPx7IlC2d_wwODAyMjAxNw
  • Joyce - guys can't take the kind of pain we women can! They always give me the TENS control so I can keep turning it up. Shower head (seriously ask me anything - i love doing research) .. EVA http://www.psfk.com/2014/12/new-device-motivates-you-to-save-water-in-the-shower.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqTZmLpyw60…
  • Well I wiped out on the ice in the hospital parking lot AGAIN today, heading down the ramp to my car with my winter snow grip shoes on .. we’ve had so much icefog lately that everything is really slick! A super nice lady helped me up and together we brushed off my coat. It was kindof comical - feet shot straight out from…
  • loooooooooooooong day @ work, so .. a smile to be going on with Scotch? On the first day of school, the children brought gifts for their teacher. The supermarket manager's daughter brought the teacher a basket of assorted fruit. The florist's son brought the teacher a bouquet of flowers. The candy-store owner's daughter…
  • DJ - I love to dance, even at this size, although I get winded much quicker. I do dance with my doggies. Sadly my husband has never danced with me, not even at our wedding. He does not dance - period.. and he can't stand the music I like. The dogs love it though .. so we will rock'n-roll around the living room. I think…
  • thanks Carey :-) .. by the end of it all I'd won $750 (I think I did a happy dance!) .. that'll pay for our condo and car rental for our upcoming trip to FL
  • Heartfelt sympathy for your loss Kelly
  • HA! I'm eating it now! He decided to put it on a small veggie Boboli pizza.
  • OMgosh! U r 2 funny Karen!!! but seriously, you could always claim to have Turrets Syndrome! LOL .. after my mum had her first BIG stroke, (and eventually developed vascular dementia) she lost that filter between listening to that voice in her head and keeping it to herself by NOT verbalizing it. Suddenly she was…
  • Happy Super-Bowl Sunday Plans for today include a jaunty indoor mall walk (it’s 3F outside this morning) brrrrrrrr Then off to Costco for a veggie run. Football fare; Scott is making ground turkey taco salad, and panko chicken fingers with non-fat greek yogurt red pepper dip. We’ve got celery sticks and organic heritage…
  • Darnit - I didn't play it all the way to the end until watching it a 4th time :-O !!! .. (somewhat appropriate considering I AM Canadian and the sticky green weed is now legal here in Alaska) .. so glad you enjoyed it - I love to laugh but my sense of humor is not for the faint-hearted. My husband and I both have a…
  • I think I found my new exercise routine.. it's called Angry Yoga :) <3 :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH0l4FlZT-A .. a little humor from my Canadian peeps .. could be kinda cleansing though
  • Becca - could have been gas pains http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gas-and-gas-pains/basics/symptoms/con-20019271 When I worked in admin. in two high schools in Canada, I often doubled as the school nurse. When kids came in with similar symptoms I would send them to sit on the toilet with a big glass of warm…
  • Awesome loss! Congratulations DJ!!! :)
  • Yup - that's exactly right - all of it. :-)
  • Hello and Happy Friday night ladies :) <3 ;) The huge buttercream chocolate cake with 2lbs of chocolate mousse filling went over well at the work pot-luck today - DOH! When the clinical staff had their fill I invited the surgical team to consume the rest (they all looked really tired today) but you would have thought I lit…
  • Thanks Toni!!! {{{ hugs !!! }}} :-)
  • Yvonne in Tx !!!! ... got me an odd one - it's name is Scott! (mind you i'm not exactly "normal" either) !!! LOL Marni in Alaska
  • Sherry - I'm sure you would love it .. Kodiak Island where I was married is beautiful too .. that's where the biggest bears in north america live and where my hubby used to hunt. He said when he killed a deer it was like ringing a dinner bell for those bears. They would bear down on you and pick up the deer like it was a…
  • Geeze!!! Ladies .. I step away for a couple of days and it takes days to get caught up!! LOL .. what a great chatty group. Lots of interesting stories! I clearly missed a bunch of stuff. I will hope to get all caught up with you by the weekend. Still working the WOE fairly successfully. The body count is still piling up at…
  • A great start to the day; Sleeping in! Woot woot!!! (day off work today - makes me smile - hard!) BD yesterday was over-the-top restful and relaxing .. wakened by my DH with a hot cup of coffee w/chocolate stevia, and happy dog faces clammering for smooches. Meals DH made a brunch of eggs over-easy, turkey bacon, and a…
  • Happy Saturday girls! <3 <3 <3 REALLY Loving all of your great stories, pictures, celebrations. loves, and achievements. I can empathize with you, with your struggles, losses and challenges too. My heart goes out to all of you. DH and I hit the Olive Garden last night to spend a gift card thats been burning a hole in my…
  • Margaret Here's a not-quite-a-yearling trying to follow me into the laundry room at home. (thank goodness our neighbor took down that horrific looking fence!) .. and twins born in our backyard about 4 years ago Marni / Alaska
  • Had a good eating day despite the temptations. The drug reps catered lunch and I stuck with the veggies - no fried foods, no rice. And fresh fruit. Then surprise! The 4 ladies in my department surprised me with an early birthday present, gift card and a frosted coconut cake! I had a sliver then delivered it around to the…
  • SNOW and ICE is not nice Well (boring) we continue with snow and ice removal. Today hubby and his hired hand are moving nearly 3 feet of snow from our roof, our remodel and the greenhouse. We’ve got a chinook moving through and temps are already up to 30 today - and expected to be 40 tomorrow with rain and ice ice baby! To…