

  • I just bought mine two days ago and am already hooked! I loved the feeling of the "10,000 step buzz" last night, and made it a goal to reach it before noon today :-) How do I add you?
  • I was determined to do Day 3 of the 30 Day Shred and finally got the workout in before bed :-)
    in Day 3 Comment by mjg2400 February 2013
  • Wow - really felt my first day of 30 Day Shred working. A good kind of sore this morning! Excited to log my Day 2 exercise. 30 Day Shred, Level I 20 minutes walking dog (brisk pace)
    in Day 2 Comment by mjg2400 February 2013
  • 30 Day Shred - Level 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pc-NizMgg8 30 minute dog walk - brisk pace :flowerforyou:
    in Day 1 Comment by mjg2400 February 2013