embgrl Member


  • I'm down 4 lbs this week and that's with TOM!! That's halfway to my goal for this month and only 21 lbs left to my goal weight. I'm so excited! I didn't get to do my Zumba class all week, but I did walk a mile and a half everyday. Congratulations to all of you who lost weight this week too!! For those of you who didn't,…
  • Count me in!! Tattoodfreek- to lose 8 pounds and Hit goal weight!!! Tiarapants - to lose 7 pounds (starting 173 pounds as of August 1st) Cnbethea - to lose 8 pounds Yentess - to lose 9 pounds ridelikeagirl616 - to lose 5 pounds EboniA - to lose 4 pounds WendyTobin (on vacation) GiGi76 - to lose 5lbs maybe 8 if im lucky…