
  • Hi! Just moved to Lexington, KY a few weeks ago. It is very hard not knowing anyone! I need to get back to losing weight. Haven't been trying for a few months now and I figure it is time to start again!
  • Hello..Just saw your post and wanted to say Hi. I just moved to Lexington a few weeks ago. Still getting to know the area. Didn't know if you were still on here. Please let me know.
  • I haven't had a soda since Feburary, but it is still hard sometimes not to reach for one. My husband drinks Mt. Dews like they are water. When I first wanted to quit drinking sodas I found a drink called Fuze. They have some that only have a total of 10 calories in each one. They are really good and come in different…
  • Thank you everyone for your kind words. This really does help. I feel like I could get back at it tomorrow. I just need to shake off this feelings of lose and just get over it. There will always be next year. There is a roller derby the next town over, but I really don't think I could ever do anything like There…
  • What is pirate's booty?
  • It is a pretty small town. Nonw that I have found.