snoopie212 Member


  • You look great! I am also doing stronglifts, but I am having difficulty up'ing the weight each time - it seems like you had no problem based on where you started and ended. I had to start at 20 lb barbells (curl barbell) and am up to 40, but I can't seem to make it to 45 to lift the bare barebell! Was there something that…
  • Yoga! There's some great dvds, and it can really help to calm the kids down. they're not great at it, but it's pretty fun and it will help with flexibility. you can also play kick the can - get a punch of cans and have a bean bag that the kids toss, or a bowling set. running, walking, "nature hike" around the building.
  • I'm certainly not an expert, but if you are going from almost no exercise, with an injury, to walking a mile a day, I think that's a great first step. Why not do that for a week or two, and then when that feels comfortable, up it to another mile for another couple of weeks? I think if you add more, or challenge yourself to…
  • You look great in all of them. If I could rock the smaller bottoms like you, I would go with #1 or 2. But the better question is, what do you feel most comfortable in. Shorts are annoying , imo - they ride up, etc.