Thanks for all the excellent info! I am sure this will be helpful! =)
I am sure you will succeed, and you will find support here. You can add me as a friend if you like. I will be here for a long time, I have a lot of weight to loose. I am new at this but drinking lots of water (with mio - just a drop of two for me) seems to be helping me a bunch. I just started last Wednesday.
:smile: Hi Karen - I am new too and have a lot to loose as well...I would be happy to be your friend and lend support. Please add me if you wish.
Welcome, I am new too. You can add me as a friend if you like. =)
Welcome, I am new at this can add me if you like! =)
Welcome, you can add me if you like. =)
That TOTALLY worked!! Thanks so very much and thanks everyone for your kind words of encouragement! ~beth