

  • I'm from Michigan, but I've also lived in Oregon and California - now I'm back in Michigan to stay
  • I am a stay at home mom to 2 little girls. I had some pregnancy complications (not weight related) and was on bedrest for 4 months, and then after the delivery I had more complications adding up to a grand tally of 9 months bedrest / restrictions on excercise. So I am totally out of shape and tired! I have had a weight…
  • Does anyone do Curves? I am wondering how much it is, and if it is really worth it. I am looking for both pros and cons if anyone has any experience.
  • Hey everyone, I just found this site and could use all the encouragement I can get. I had my second daughter in April, and had been on bedrest since December. After the delivery I had more complications and recovery time and only now can I start really exercising. I am so out of shape from the pregnancy and bedrest most of…