

  • I realized when i had to get bigger clothes and when i looked in the mirror it was like someone else was staring back at me. i have tried the diet pills and at 150 i thought i was obese!!! Now i weigh like 194 and it's the heaviest i have ever been!! When i stopped the diet pills i got hungry again and i put on all that…
  • Hi! I do Zumba everyday and i love it! I'm hooked. I know when i first started it, i was horrible and i'm pretty heavy. I've lost 7 pounds in 10 days because of it and i count my calories and i hope that you go back and have fun! :)
  • Hi i'm new too. My name is Desere and my sister Megan told me about this site and how it was free. It really looks great and i hope to be melting off the pounds soon. :)