glosettes Member


  • Yes count me in. I fell off the bandwagon and feel awful. This will motivate me to keep track and exercise more often.
  • remember to massage your muscles too. I used to use the foam roller but I found that after a while the roller tend to lose shape, now I used trigger points therapy roller. It hurts like hell when you are tight but it loosens up your knots instantly.
  • I hear this all the time. To add this this they scoff at you
  • Salt bath, ice-pack and, if my legs are sore from running, I use the foam roller (**best tool you can get to prevent injuries** and loosen tense muscles**)
  • What I learned from my exercise failures. I used to run half marathons until I got injured and that sidelined me for a good 1/2 a year. It was a uphill battle in the beginning. Any routines I start will fail within a few days. Even 3 months later my fitness level is not what it was pre-injury. What I learned during my…
  • I can relate but on the opposite ends. Not only was it emotionally draining it effected all parts of my life. Socially, I abstained from going out when I knew there were drinks (empty cals). I was physically drained. I used to ration my oranges in quarters. Then I picked up cooking. I attended a few classes, it was great…