

  • No don't give up. If you think of this as a race,what will you do when you get to the end or meet your goal? Stop and start eating anything and everything you want because you won the race. This is a chance to learn about your body and what you can and can't do. It's learning life lessons. We all know to brush our teeth…
  • I am new to site also. I have already lost 5 lbs. but I have been sick this week so it wasn't a great time to start this but it is what it is now. I just got back from Florida and then my cousin and sister came to visit for a week so we ate out a lot. So I need to get back on track and get this weight off. I hope to find…
  • Hi I too am new on here and I am loving it. I need to lose about 65 lbs. I have lost 5 already. I would love to be buddies with someone who also is wanting to lose it and keep it off.