

  • Thanks! I have a cooler that I was planning to load up with apples and strawberries. I totally didnt think of putting salads in there! I totally will. Im also going to pack my almonds to snack on while there. :D
  • I heart my almost daily smoothie. I HATE veggies so slipping spinach in and not noticing = AMAZING. 1 frozen diced banana, 1 cup almond milk, 1 cup spinach, 2 tbs peanut butter (mind you I get a lower fat organic). blend and enjoy. I ordered some PB2 to use instead of regular peanut butter because of the large amount of…
  • Oh cereal.. how I miss it. Actually Ive found Cascadian Farms Organic cinnamon squares (similar to Cinnamon Toast Cruch) is low in carbs and sugar VS other cereals.. and it doesnt taste like crap. Use almond milk stay with serving sizes and its under 135 calories.
  • Thank you guys!! :D