heatherblack6 Member


  • I go with the EAS myoplex lite protein shake pre-gym & then once i get to work I eat an english muffin with peanut butter. Typically holds me until my mid morning snack at 11 or so.
  • I stopped having donuts when I was on a three hour flight and the guy next to me was pushing 400+ lbs, all while eating 5 donuts. Just remember that commercial of you are what you eat and the woman walks by with cinnabons for butt cheeks.
  • Love this one! Do lunges while you watch tv, you think that it doesn't help, but every little bit does!
  • Institute the ''one minute rule"! Don't put off a task today that takes less than a minute to do. It seriously creates a ton of time that you don't realize you would have if you continually put things off!