morskapana Member


  • Checking in, have been logging 19 days. Daily excercises, meditation and yoga. I had three indulgent evenings in that time period but kept doing my routine afterwards, something I've struggled with continuing in the past! Changes in weight: 158.6lb tummy: 35 hips: 42 arm: 11.5, all other measurements: no change. I have not…
  • Mine kicks in too and I have to snap back to focusing...I think that is normal for beginners...gotta just keep practicing [/quote] So when you are meditating, try to take deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth, then start to scan your body from your head to your toes- actually focus on each part of the…
  • Checking in: I have logged for 8 days. Daily thirty minutes of yoga/ body weight exercises and meditation, I now look forward to getting up to do this! I have gone to 4 workout classes and walked 4 times this week. I have been drinking at least 96oz of water per day. I have lost 3.6 lbs and I'm back to my average weight.…
  • Hi I'm Kaitlyn, I'm 32 and love to cook natural wholesome foods (maybe too much). Last year I was generally less active and it is starting to make me feel super unhealthy! Plus I'm attempting to foster a lifestyle shift, rather than a dieting mentality. Fitness: I'm on a mission to do daily 30 minute mornings…