lisemcl Member


  • Thanks for all the advice. Haven't been feeling great recently, but recently restarted on the pill and I have been taking them together! I will stop that immediately.
  • I didn't ever have it until I got pregnant and now I seem to have puffy ankles all the time. I have been drinking as much as I can to see if that might flush it, but otherwise I'm hoping that getting a bit of weight off might help.
    in Edema Comment by lisemcl May 2015
  • I don't really have anything constructive to add, but it sounds like you've had a lot to deal with in the past and auto immune really does suck. But see what your doctor says and I'm sure once the shock has passed, you'll find a way to deal with it, the way you have obviously dealt with everything else. Lisax
  • Despite having being diagnosed for 7 years, I wasn't aware of this! Treatment in the UK can be patchy and aside from putting me on levothyroxine, and a doctor doing an antibody test when I wanted to try for a baby (4 years after diagnosis!) I've never really had any medical advice on my thyroid. It certainly explains why a…
  • I gained over a stone in 3 months, but I put it down to being a nursing mum at that point. I did lose a lot again much later down the line. When I got a new one, again my appetite and thus my weight rocketed. It does settle down as the initial hormone dose in the first year is higher. This time I've had a load of other…
  • I have Hashimotos too. I find I can lose weight in short bursts, but I will always hit long plateaus. Unfortunately, I need to keep my calories low to achieve losses and constantly remind myself that its a marathon not a sprint. I also get horribly itchy legs, sorry if TMI!
  • Hi, I'm quite new to MFP, although have used another site, WLR, for a long time. I'm from Scotland, but living near Wigan at the moment. I'm 34 with around 70lbs to lose, although I'm not sure my diary would be too exciting!