Overall, I'm excited about my improvements, and I can't wait to see the fit test results in 3 weeks!! Switch Kicks - 55 75 Power Jacks - 47 50 Power Knees - 90 95 Power Jumps - 21 23 Globe Jumps - 9 10 Suicide Jumps - 12 15 Push-Up Jacks - 15 20 Low Plank Ob. - 36 70
Cardio Power and Resistance has always been my least favorite.. Maybe because it's the most difficult for me.. Ironically I feel like I need CPR while I'm doing it LOL, but I always feel great after! Keep pushing everyone, recovery day is almost here, then PURE CARDIO!!!!
I'm running on 3 hours of sleep, but surprisingly I'm ready to do this workout! Going kick butt!!!
Started Insanity today so I don't gain weight during the Spring semester! Lol Switch Kicks - 55 Power Jacks - 47 Power Knees - 90 Power Jumps - 21 Globe Jumps - 9 Suicide Jumps - 12 Push-Up Jacks - 15 Low Plank Ob. - 36