

  • I think it's a question of balance. If weight loss becomes more important than getting sufficient nutrients each day to stay healthy, then you need to be careful. You don't want to end up malnourished!:smile:
  • I managed to resist the ice cream but had a glass of lemonade instead. Then found I was over my calorie intake today by the same number of calories as that lemonade! Aaargh! :sad: So close! I've yet to get my calorie intake down to my target level. Still, I'm eating less than I would have done if not on MFP.:smile:
    in It's hot! Comment by SallyC5 June 2011
  • Some good ideas there, thanks! :happy: The problem is I have some high calorie ice cream in the freezer which will "need" to be eaten at some stage!! As I only joined here this week, I haven't sorted out alternatives yet.:smile: Now, I wonder how many calories are in a teaspoon of icecream... (maybe it would be too…
    in It's hot! Comment by SallyC5 June 2011