Ghlt4 Member


  • I completed W3 This week. It felt so good!
  • I eat potatoes, brown rice, and whole wheat bread. It's not hindered my weight loss.
  • I've completed week 3. I found it better than day 2. I did an extra 60 secs running at a faster pace too. We have friends staying with us this weekend, so I'm going to do an extra day of week 3. Then on Tuesday next week I will start week 4!!!!
  • [\quote] Don't worry about starting week 4. Everyone has bad runs. I was shocked when an 8 minute jog was near impossible to me just a few days after I had completed my 20 minute run. Some times you just have a bad run. You will knock week 4 out of the park! [/quote] ^^^ This is very encouraging ! I did week3day 1 with…
  • Congratulations! I can't wait till I graduate. I'm on week 3 and for the most part loving it. I can identify with huffing and puffing at doing 60 seconds. It seemed to go on!!!
  • I've just completed week3 day 2. It was really hard going, a lot harder than day 1., I slowed right down to a! I think it was the humidity it's really bad today . Hoping for a better day on Wednesday.
  • Congratulations! I'd never run outside till starting C25k. I love it. I did an extra day on level one too. I'm on week 3 now.
  • It was really hot here in sunny Florida, but I'm trying to run outside for a long as I can. I'm not looking forward to having to go inside and do this on the treadmill. I am thrilled I completed W3D1 today. I ran the full 3 minutes, I can't believe it!!! I really didn't think I would be able to do it. I think today I found…
  • That's fantastic! You've got a great mile pace already!! I'm sure you'll do great in your race. I've still a long way to go, but reading stories like this really encourage me.
  • I did W2D3 today, and it was easier than the last one. I may do an extra day of week 2. I will see how I feel on Friday. My son and I are loving doing this. I'm amazed at how quickly my body adjusted. Great job to all who are working through this.
  • If I go any slower I'll I'm walking at 3.3, and jogging at 3.7. I'm on week 2 D3 tomorrow, so we'll see how it goes. The Florida weather is forecast to be perfect.
  • Completed Week 2D2. Still really hard going, but I think I recover quicker in between each run.
  • I did week 2 D2 this morning. I found the first run harder but after that it was not too bad. I found I recovered quicker between each run. I'm dreading week 3! I can't imagined doubling to 3 mins. I can only just do the 90 seconds! I will probably do an extra day.
  • Great job! Keep up the good work.
  • I'm very slow. I walk at 3.4mph, and run at 3.8mph. I will work on speed as my endurance gets better.
  • Fantastic! You must feel amazing.
  • Very inspiring!
  • I'm also doing it with my 14 yr old son. We do it M-W-F and bike ride on the Saturday. I'd appreciate any tips on the breathing!
  • Feel free to add me. I completed W2D1 today. It was hard going but I did it. I also did extra days on week 1, and plan on doing the same on week 2.
  • I can't believe I fully completed W2D1 on my first try!! It was baking hot outside but I decided to go for it anyway, and I DID it!!! I'm dying, but feel great! Now for the questions.... How soon before doing this do you eat and drink, and how much? Also, how much do you drink when coming back and how soon?…
  • I can't really go before 9am, that when I've been doing it. I live in Florida and its been very stormy, and that brings the humidity. I think this is going to be a big problem for me as the weather heats up and humidity becomes an every day event. If I have to I can do it on my treadmill but I'd rather not! My son is doing…
  • I repeated week 1D3 yesterday. The previous walk/run I did went well, but yesterday's was really hard work because the weather was very humid. Tomorrow is supposed to be really humid again. I'm not sure if I should move on or repeat again. When the weather is not humid i seem to do so much better. I just don't want to fail…
  • I don't heat mine. I eat it raw. 1/2 cup oatmeal 1/4 cup grapenut 1/4 raisins 1 tbs flaxseed Almond milk I have this almost every morning. I love it!!
  • I've completed week 1, but feel I need a few more days before moving to week 2.
  • Congratulations! Did you find it harder running outside than on the treadmill? I've just started couch to 5k. I decided to do it outside while the weather is not to hot, but I'll have to do it on my treadmill in a few weeks.
  • Congratulations! I had Happy herbivore contact me. I've not done it yet. I'm still a work in progress!!
  • I've set mine to 70/15/15. They've been set at this for over a year and all is well.
  • Wow, what a story. You are such and inspiration!
  • I started week 1 on Thursday. I couldn't do all the running, but I did my best. I did D2 yesterday and I did all the running!!! Day 3 tomorrow! I'm hoping D3 will seem a little easier.
  • Congratulation, you look great. My family started plant based eating a year and a half ago. I've lost 68lbs. It was the best decision I ever made. We also use Engine 2 and Happy Herbivore. They are great resources .