

  • I am a low carber--3.5 years ago I went to a Bariatric Doctor and was educated on the proper diet for health and weight loss. I lost 34 lbs on a doctor supervised low carb diet and started to feel GREAT. 40-50 carbs a day is the target, striving for 15 carbs per meal. Remember carbs are sugars---watch out of "hidden"…
  • Try Pilates. Pilates really works the core, and you will gain strength, balance and flexibility. Search for Pilates exercises on line or on Exercise on Demand (free) (if you have Time Warner Cable..if not, I am sure Satelite has a similiar channel)
  • What type of exercise did you do yesterday? It is very common to see the scale bump up after a few good work outs--the nurses and doctors tell me I am gaining muscle, thus the increase in the scale I find that the day after I strength train and do cardio that I end up weighing more. It never fails--it is always the day…
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