mutabo_ Member


  • I missed breakfast, so I'm too tired to research this properly :) I had always presumed the issue to be that if you miss breakfast, you are more likely to snack on higher calorie food leading up to lunch, or overindulging at lunch because you might well be hungry. I never thought it was a metabolic thing. I understood you…
  • I had a similar thing happen a couple of months ago where a dog owner had their pooch off lead on the bike path. I came around a blind corner and the dog was on one side, owner the other. It was a little staffy or something and darted in between my front and back wheel. I flipped somehow and landed on my shoulder and head…
  • I like the Chobani yogurts - taste great and have been on sale for weeks it seems. Golden Mills Sandwich Thins are good bread replacements for me at 100 cal a piece. I get them at Woolies. I drink an IsoWhey hot chocolate from either the chemist or the supplement shop. It's expensive but has a hint of chilli, high protein…