

  • Yes! I totally agree Kayla! I've stopped eating many processed foods and no longer eat meat. Most of my diet is fresh produce and fish. I made the mistake of eating Taco Bell a few nights ago and I felt AWFUL! I had the worst stomach cramps all night. Once your body gets used to a cleaner diet, it has a hard time with…
  • Seeing pictures of myself! I looked pregnant! I just got so I was disgusted by seeing my flab in the mirror. I'm tired of not being able to keep up with my 4 yr old. (not being in shape is making my asthma worse.) And then I realized that for the first time in my life, I was actually overweight. All my life I've been "the…
  • I just joined last month and I am looking for people with the same goals I do. I'm 27 and a married mom of a 4 yr old boy and a 6 month old girl. I am trying to get rid of baby weight and lead a healthier lifestyle so I can be a good role model for my kids. I've been out of shape since I got pregnant with my son and I'm…
  • I'm still working on that myself! I'm a stay at home mom/student so sometimes I get busy and its hard to make good food decisions. I also tend to eat out of boredom so I'm trying to read, or clean house if I feel like eating. Also I drink a glass of water if I think I'm hungry and by then, I'm usually over whatever the…