

  • With 3 kiddos 5,3 and 3 months it is hard to find me time. I have an extremely involved husband and he allows me time to go shopping, which is my alone, me time! Even if it's for 1 or 2 hours, it's a nice break! I think it's extremely important to have me time because it makes me a better mommy and wife! It's important not…
  • I know this doesn't help but once heard Terrible Twos, Horrible threes! I'm happy to say I didn't experience this!
  • Carolina, I really encourage you to read the book! I got it on Amazon for $4. It helps validate all of your worries and struggles. I know what you mean about losing yourself. I have 3 kiddos and I have had to work at giving myself me time. I love thrift shopping and I try to go thrift shopping at least every other week by…
  • Ladies, you should read I was a Good Mom Before I Had Kids It is excellent and a very light easy read! It talks about how we love our kids but how we don't always love motherhood. I wish I read it 5 years ago with my first. It talks about how hard motherhood is and how we feel guilty if we do something for ourselves. Also…
  • I'm just started Mfp 2 weeks ago and I think I added most of you as friends, sorry if I missed some. I would love to join this group! I have 3 kids. 5,3 and 3 months! I lost all 90 lbs. With my first. I lost all 70 with my second. I gained 70 with my third, and have lost 40 of it. I want to lose 30lbs, 37 would be great so…