islandlifenc Member


  • Huggies baby wipes to remove makeup (I only wear eyeliner, mascara and sometimes shadow). If I use more eye makeup than usual — for instance on an evening out, I'll rub in a bit of coconut oil first to help everything wipe right off. I also use a tiny bit of coconut oil as a moisturizer. It does amazing things for your…
  • I don't really do workouts, per se, but I can tell you that yoga, or at least some form of stretching, is definitely something I'd say anyone should do. It helps the body in so many ways, from keeping the body flexible and balanced, to also helping keep the fascia from being too tight in areas — something that can lead to…
  • Many years ago I did Weight Watchers, and they actually used to market that very premise. (I say USED to, because I don't know what their policy is today.) If I remember correctly (this was over a decade ago, when they first came out with that Points system) they would give you your daily target range of 'Points.' If you…
  • I've never seen that article before, but just read it from where Dana31601 posted it. Very interesting. I'm observing something similar to this, myself. I'll bounce around in a range of one pound — we're talking a few ounces up and down each day — and then suddenly I'll have a drop of a couple of pounds. Then the same…
  • Agreed. I was thinking the same thing.
  • Yup! I'm here on the Crystal Coast. :happy:
  • This is a fantastic success story! What an inspiration! And the confidence you've gained in yourself, and YES, your words about being able to finally see yourself the way your husband sees you — WOW! That is just so beautiful. The love the two of you must share will be the greatest gift you ever give your kids. Believe me!…
  • Christian homeschooling momma here! I'm way past the college years now, but I am happy to meet fellow sisters in Christ. :^)
  • Thank you for taking the time to respond, ladies! This is helpful information. Now that it's just gone past midnight here on the east coast, I'm not looking at that ugly red number anymore. I will make sure I only track food and activity at MFP and only use the Fitbit to log my steps/stairs (and possibly sleep, not sure if…
  • I hate it. Deleted my personal account over a year ago and never looked back. Now, I only log in once and a while to maintain business pages for a few of my website clients, but other than that, I really just see it as the sequel to MySpace.
  • I bought a Breville juicer about a year ago. (I was inspired by "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.") I do like making the juice, but I also prefer just making things in my blender. I always hated leaving all of the great fiber behind in the juicer, and saving it to use later just ended up meaning I never actually used it and it…
  • I'm 5'7" and am interested in seeing the responses on this one, too. Good question.
  • I'm eating close to 1800 calories a day to lose weight. I determined that amount based on my Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) minus 25%. It's working for me. I'm losing about 1 lb per week, but it's also an amount I can live with for the rest of my life, and in fact, it would be a reasonable maintenance amount for a…
  • You can do this! There are people in your life who love you and who want to see you healthy and strong! I think the best way to help beat cravings is to start feeding yourself a nutrient-dense diet and avoid the foods that are marketed as 'diet foods.' They set people up for failure. Ditch the sodas. Artificial sweeteners…
  • This is precisely why I love MFP! So many knowledgeable people with great input and advice! I think a good case has been made for why it is important to tend to my muscles — irrespective of weight loss — even if I only desire to keep them active and from atrophy rather than building them, per se. I'll be the first to admit…
  • I love the WAPF principles and try to apply as many of them as I reasonably can to my life. We have no regular access to raw milk around here at the moment, but I am able to get grass-fed, pasteurized dairy and am quite happy with that. I still haven't been able to get into the organ meats yet. Just can't make myself do…
  • This is a good suggestion, too. Boxing might not peak my interest right now, but I'm open to some sort of class if I see one that I think might interest me enough to stick with it. I don't want to do anything trendy, though, or anything marketed as "intense", "insane" or "hardcore" in any way. :laugh: Whatever it would be…
  • This is my favorite response. Thank you, Katy. You obviously understand that the lazy cannot maintain a home and garden, as well as work, take care of children and pets, without activity and some level of lifting. You got what I was saying, and I appreciate that! You make a reasonable suggestion regarding making sure that…
  • Me? Lazy? LOL :laugh: Although I think some of you have misunderstood my original post (and I think some of you may not have actually read it), my question has been answered in a roundabout way. Apparently, no one noticed where I said I'm active in my day-to-day life. Again, I live on an island. Particularly from this time…
  • That's just it. I know I hate anything that FEELS like exercise, though I'm not at all averse to just generally being active, whether taking a leisurely walk or swim, or working in the garden. Thanks for the input.
  • You mean if I do strength training (but not cardio) during the weight loss phase, but then don't keep it up in maintenance, right? And ultimately, atrophy of muscle tissue would mean a decreased metabolic state which would cause weight to start creeping back up, right?
  • I know I can do it with diet alone, and I'm actually open to doing some sort of regimen during the weight-loss phase, it's just that I don't want to have to sign on for something that I'll have to keep up forever to stay at a healthy weight. Do you know what I mean? If you do more intense exercise during the weight loss…
  • I'm sure I'll get flamed for saying this since there seem to be so many anti-2nd Amendment folks here on MFP, but if you don't want to change your walking routine, then concealed carry is a great solution. Better yet, open carry. That'll give anyone a second thought before approaching you and your mom.
  • When you lose the weight, go ahead down to your local Hollister store and try on a bunch of clothes, then you'll know you can fit into them. But then think about it... do you really want to buy clothes once you DO get in shape from a store that has built its brand on excluding people who don't fit into their cookie-cutter…
  • JERK CHICKEN - 4 ingredients - Chicken, Two types of seasoning & soy sauce (You can prepare other meats the same way!) Super simple if you have the ingredients on hand, and it can really be cooked any way you want - stovetop, in the oven, or on the grill. Get some of this Boston Dry Jerk Seasoning (you might find it in a…
  • ROFLOL :laugh:
  • THIS ^^^ THIS is the heroic post of the day. Stick with grass-fed beef, milk, butter and cream and pastured eggs! Boycott the system, indeed!
  • Coconut oil. Seriously. I changed to coconut oil for nearly all of my cooking back in January, then actually started tracking my calories about a month ago. I try to consciously make sure I get 1 to 2 Tbs of coconut oil somehow each day. Your body deals with it more like a carb than a fat and it gives you lots of energy,…
  • I definitely think there's something to a "Natural Lowest Happy Weight," as you put it. I got into the best shape of my life in my early-20s, though it was a few lbs higher than what was supposed to be the upper limit of 'normal' for my height. The so-called healthy weight charts said I should be between 118 and 155, but I…
  • Good responses from everyone! Thank you all. :happy: ONE QUICK (maybe complicated :ohwell: ) QUESTION: Since it helps you better determine your TDEE, I'm guessing you'd change your MFP TDEE accordingly to match, right? Or do you just stay at whatever TDEE you originally set at MFP and FITBIT automatically tweaks your…