Sounds like you do a great job with your choices all day. I am always starving after my shift, too, and prefer a real meal. I'm always an advocate for real food! Try stuff you can cook quickly, like baked salmon, brown rice and broccoli. Also, taking some time on an off day to do meal prep is helpful. If you are like me,…
Thanks, I will try that!
We made "bubble tents"....clothes pin a sheet to a box fan then weight the edges of the sheet down with books. It was a great place to sleep!!! :)
Smoked chicken leg quarter without the skin from the local bbq place...gave the hubby the baked beans and potato salad and made myself a big salad! Yum!
bump...sounds good!
Im 41 and feel better than I did in my 20s...however, it IS much harder to lose weight. I try not to get hung up on the numbers though...age or on the scale. :happy:
I try to stay away from artificial sweeteners, too. I often use honey or agave nectar to sweeten drinks, smoothies, oatmeal. While they do have calories, you have to use them in moderation, they are all natural and much better for you than artificial sweeteners anyway!
Have you tried changing up your exercise routine? Sometimes our bodies get used to doing the same thing all the time. Try someting new, and make sure you are mixing both strength training and cardio (alternating days maybe). Good luck! Dont be discouraged, these plateaus happen to lots of people!
YUM!! Definitely gonna try this! I freeze my bananas and then don't need the ice...also a great way to save those bananas that are about to get overripe. Thanks for the recipe!!
A simple click will "un-friend" them and then you don't have to read or worry about anything they do or do not post/request. It seems it is taking a lot of your time and energy worrying about what "acquaintances" are posting you can channel into the positives in your life! Congrats on your healthy changes…
Ghiradelli 60% Cacao Chocolate Chips...amazing! Just have to limit it to 8 or 10, and savor them! :happy:
I think it was meant to be three 300 calorie meals...not 3300 calories. I read it wrong at first, too!