saucybgl Member


  • I'll be 36 in August and had my first baby 2 yrs ago. It's definitely harder to get the weight off now. I'm glad I'm not the only one in the 30's club who's having a tough time of it! Thanks for starting this thread :)
  • Hi, we're pretty close, here are my stats: Age: 35 (36 in Aug) Female Ht: 5'3" SW: Not sure, but my highest was ~217 when I was pregnant with my son CW: 189 GW: Like you, I'm not sure, I just want to be fit and healthy :smile: Feel free to add me if you like, I'm new to the boards so I don't "know" anyone, and it would be…
  • @skinnyjeanzbo-you had me cracking up!! And thanks for the tip about the side lunges, I'll try that..... @ChevrauxNoir-I'll have to make them part of my workout routine.... :laugh:
  • @skinnyjeanzbo- I agree, I think it has alot to do w/form. I still can't figure out how to do the side lunges, I never feel like I'm doing them right, I can't figure out how to get my booty to stick out like they do, but still keep my upper body straight! For those of you who have had kids.... maybe TMI... but anyone else…
  • Hi :) I started 30DS on Monday, had to skip Tues, my quads were so sore. Felt it in my arms and chest, too, but quads were the killer. I did day 2 last night, and feel much better. I took measurements last night, so we'll see! Good luck, everyone!!
  • I'm so glad you posted this, I really needed it today.... you look fantastic!
  • Hi:) I have been on MFP for awhile now, but this is the first time I've posted to a forum. I started the 30 day shred today. I couldn't believe only 20 minutes had me so winded and gave me such muscle fatigue. You ladies have sure given me motivation!