BlackPup Member


  • I don't have BPD but do have Bipolar 2. The meds I'm on make me hungry but I've just gone on a med that suppresses my appetite so that balances things out. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • My dr just put me on metformin to counteract the increased hunger with my meds. So far it seems to be working well. Just another option if changing meds is too hard.
  • Your losing inches and that's more important than losing pounds. Maybe you have been putting on muscle which weighs more than fat. We don't get to chose where the weight comes from.
  • Are you getting enough sleep. It's really hard to make good food choices when your tired make sure you nap when your little one naps at least some of the time. For the moment, just try not to put anymore on and start trying to lose when your in a better frame of mind.
  • I struggle with binge eating too. Sleep deprivation makes it lots worse but it's hard to get enough sleep when you've got a young child. If you've got the afternoon off then maybe sleep to catch up on some of that tiredness. Like the others have said move on - it's done now. How to stop it happening again, I wish I knew…
  • Hi everyone, I'm back again after a 10 kg weight gain that it can't blame on meds but can sort of blame on the depression and definitely blame on chocolate. I've got Bipolar 2. Doing ok now but was struggling earlier this year. Happy to support others with MH issues - just send me a message :) I don't always check the…
    in Check in Comment by BlackPup May 2014
  • Not being a doctor I'm not sure of what to make if it all. When I was hypothyroid I felt really slowed down but I also get like that when I'm depressed and have normal thyroid (it gets tested regularly due to medication). Other things to check for are low iron, and low Vitamin D but get your doctor to do a full work up. If…
  • Zinc supplements can help.
  • I'm sick of having to relapse the same weight. It's staying off this time!!!! Anyone can add me!!!
  • I'm always starving after swimming too. Great I'm not the only one.
  • Plan ahead for your meals and snacks. Get as much incidental exercise as you can between classes and at lunch break. Eat at a deficit. Log everything accurately.
  • Feel free to add me. I'm aiming at 1350 plus exercise calories. I have 25 kg to lose.
  • I have an exercise bike at home and find that I can fit in 30 min a day easily most days. Sometimes it's not all at once. If I had to go out somewhere or put on special clothes etc it just wouldn't get done.
  • Can't afford the gym. But got a cheap exercise bike and will make do with that, body weight resistance training and taking my son for walks in a backpack
  • Watch tv or DVDs. The first 5 min are the toughest.
  • I ate 500 cal of chocolates for morning tea so I'm in the same boat I ate a salad with cheese for lunch and I've planned a lean beef roast with zucchini for dinner. I've done 20 min on the bike but will probably do some more exercise when it cools down again. My usual goto meal for a high calorie day is a lean cuisine meal…
  • Thanks for the reminder of what's important. I think in my excitement at the whole New Years resolutions thing I **may** just of forgotten the most important point that the only bit that is essential is maintaining a deficit. OP, a great and timely reminder, thanks again
  • Depending on how I'm feeling I'll often do some exercise to mitigate the blow out. If it's part way through the day I'll eat healthy low cal snacks and meals to finish off the day. I try to have my total for the week roughly right but I don't overly restrict to make it happen. Just eat within your deficit from tomorrow. I…
  • Totally understand (except about the snow it's boiling hot here) I wait till my hubby leaves to do things that I'm self conscious about like push ups and sit ups. I'm ok using my exercise bike when he's home though. It lives in the living room.
  • Unless you have a medical problem I wonder worry about sodium. Your body naturally regulates it. If your overweight and the calories your normally eating are under then there's a problem. My best guess at the problem is not accurately measuring and logging ALL your food and drinks ( this can be tricky as some of the…
  • Great perspective. A friend said something similar when I was lamenting my yoyo weight loss, she said all those times I've lost weight have stopped me from being much heavier.
  • Try this thread: To be honest I would only mess with macros if you're having trouble sticking under your calorie limit, your not losing weight or your getting close to your goal. Otherwise keep it simple. Log everything.…
  • You've started that's the first step. To make it to the end you need to make changes that you can live with for the long run. It's a marathon not a sprint. Don't give up the first time you go over your calories. The rules: 1/ Log everything accurately 2/ Eat at a deficit If in doubt see point 1 You can do this
  • My sisters thyroid went wacko after her baby. I think it was more at the 6 month mark. Also it's hard to lose the weight with a bub. The lack of sleep and business complicate life and weight loss. I would definitely see a doctor and get your thyroid checked. Get as much sleep as you can. Be accurate with your logging. Keep…
  • You need to learn how calorie dense foods are so you can make good choices. Best way to do that is by logging on myfitnesspal! Once you've learnt this, if your really hungry and low on calories to spend you can choose a low calorie dense food. If you've got lots of calories spare you can have a treat!(pizza and ice…
  • ^^^this ^^^ I used to make hubby hide the chocolate but I kept on finding it! Now I can eat a little without going overboard because I know how much work I've put into exercise I don't want to waste it.
  • Your looking for a lifestyle change. So make small changes that you can live with for the long run. I find I need to exercise or I get too hungry but in the past I have lost 20kg with my only exercise being walking. (Put it back on with my baby!) You need to know what are your diet breakers. There is no point in…
  • Hi my boy is 9 months old. I've lost my baby weight then put it back on by bad eating! I've got 26 kg to lose to get to 65 but to be honest I'd be happy with 70kg. I'm 34. I'm on here everyday so feel free to add me. I try to walk as much as I can. I use my exercise bike when he's sleeping or busy playing and I take him…
  • Hi check out my thread. I got some really great answers to easy exercises for a beginner: If you don't exercise then I would start by walking 10 min in one direction and then walking back. Work up to greater distances. If you can get the c25k app…