I018485 Member


  • Hi, I am 5'6 and my goal is 125 (that is more than my usual normal weight). I have been 135 for SO long (3 years) until... I came back home in Italy 1 week ago! Finally in a week, I lost 8 pounds!!! In US I tried exercise, gym, yoga, you name it... no way. To me, all the BS are cut by a simple fact: less calories, less…
    in 140 Forever. Comment by I018485 May 2010
  • Hi Alissa, you said that you lost already 80 pounds! WOW, how did you do it? It would be useful to have some ideas from you. Thanks!
  • MATH wins! Even over the Crostata. :love: I am amazingly surprised of the results this morning. Yesterday I ate 1500 Cal with a goal of 1700 (1200 Cal daily + 500 from the exercise). So, with a 200 Cal DEFICIT I lost a little bit!!! :happy: From 136.5 lbs to 135.8 It's incredible because I ate my Crostata (a microscopic…
  • OK, - double exercise, done! - water, in progress. Problem: I am just finishing baking my "Crostata" for the party tonight. It will be HARD not to eat it... Losing weight is SO math! I lost something every day, with a deficit of about 300 KCal. Yesterday, I ate more than I consumed and, of course, I gained... Today I…
  • Good with water, 90 minutes of P90X and good with calories! My scale confirmed that the Wed challenge went very well: 1 pound lost! :-) I am in for Sat! thanks!
  • I like it! Who knows? Maybe I can exercise in the morning for the first time in my life. It would be AMAZING...
  • @ tron3002, we use normal white pasta, about 70 grams per portion. It’s small… The problem in Rome is that the commuting to work takes at least 2 hours (1 each way) and, then, we have to walk so much b/c there is not parking and we end up parking so far away. Public transportation is even worse, running from the bus to the…
  • Hello all, I am recycling my post from another group. I would like to suggestion you to re-consider carbs, researching for factual data about fat and healthy/thin people around the world. I hope to have time soon to post some links to official statistics on this topic. For now just my 2 cents based on my personal life: I…
  • Thank you for your suggestions. @Alf1163, I like the “go for a walk” technique. I think that it’s the most appropriate solution for my style. I will also do more self talking because it is new for me and it’s funny. @Pepper06, I will try the “water factor” again seeing that I often forget it. Protein… it’s difficult. I…
  • Curiosity for LaTerri: what do you eat for breakfast? No carbs? Thanks for sharing!
  • Hello everyone, I am 43 years old and I am new in this group. I have been exercising for the last 3 weeks after 23 years!!! Clearly my body is fighting this regime and I feel SO HUNGRY! It's amazing, I would eat all day long. Have you ever experienced something like that? How do you stop the hunger? Please, don't tell me…