Well, I've started by combining a yoplait 100 cal yogurt with 1/4 cup of a good granola cereal. Bear Naked Peak Protein is a really good granola I've stumbled upon and, surprisingly, that 240 calories manages to keep my hunger under control for almost 4 hours! I didn't think it would actually do the trick but it has. I…
Welcome! I'm in the same boat as you where I hit a number on the scale that not only did I not think I would ever hit, but was disgusted when I saw it. This site is amazingly easy to use. The biggest thing you need to do is make sure you log everything that goes in your mouth. It's all to easy to skip over things and get a…
You could log it as two different entries. One for gardening and one for walking. You just need to be sure you keep track of your times and how fast you are walking.