

  • My boyfriend and I were joking about that the other day. Some random sights actually have measurements, lol. Great post.
  • Don't give up yet. There could be many factors, without your diary it is hard to say. But how much are you under eating? Sometimes if you eat too much under your metabolism can slow down or if you eat too much salt you could be gaining water weight. There are so many possible factors. Most of which can be fixed with a…
  • I am in the same boat alot of the time. I have been trying to fix it by eating snacks, like nuts or something like that. It does help. In my opinion, once in a while eating under might be ok, just don't make a habit out of it or your body might go into starvation mode.
  • I started 30DS last week. I will be on day 8 tonight. I am still learning to do the exercises well. Some I am better at than others, but I can't wait to see the results. I really like the workouts and how she can convince me to keep going, even though I want to stop.