

  • i have heard of oiling down the hair. the oil reportedly suffocates the little buggers. wash everything that can be washed and dry it. all soft toys and pillows can be put in the dryer for around 30 minutes to kill the bugs. i would put any toys and pillows that are absolutely not needed in garbage bags for two weeks after…
    in LICE Comment by melancholybaby July 2011
  • when we need food not to be an obsession i wholeheartedly recommend eating by rote when possible. i concur with taking a multi-vitamin and get some blood work done on a regular basis to ensure you are not deficient.
  • it is just your muscles. i remember freaking out that i was able to put my jeans on one morning then i went to work out which included a lot of leg work (if you look at your exercises, they are very leg heavy) and when i put them on that evening they were way tight. i cried and then it dawned on me what was going on.