Sagetheplace Member


  • I am not an expert but I dont think it works like that. I think everyone would burn a different amount of calories for the same distance depending on speed, fitness level, age, gender, terrain ect ect. I would trust the HRM if all your information in it is correct.
  • Hi, Im Kayla and am also a stay at home mom. I have 2 sons, my oldest is 9 going on 10 and my youngest just turned 2. I have been on my journey for 14 months now and have lost a total of 70. I am a little over half way to my goal. Feel free to add me anyone who wants to for support. The more supportive people the more…
  • I really like exerbeat for the wii, and its a pretty cheap game! I also like EA active, and EA active more workouts...havent tried 2 yet but I imagine its great too. Oh and also walk it out is fun, I like the fact that its to music and building the island. My son likes playing this one with me, especially on light days and…
  • Hi, I have over 120- 150 to not exactly sure on my goal I will decide when I get closer depending on how I feel. But I do plan on making it to at least 120 lost. I have been working on it for a little over a year now. Its a long road..a lifestyle change not a race, but you can do it!
  • Hi, they actually have it listed in food and it deducts the calories burned from breastfeeding from your food total. There all lots of different options to choose from. EX - a small child, or older child which will have different amounts of calories. Hope that helps!
  • I have tried really hard not to focus on crossing from 200 to 199...but after 2 months of the scale not moving, it seems I want it more and more the longer I have to wait lol, I have recognized that way of thinking cant be healthy....burn more calories and being obsessed with them. I keep catching myself and then trying to…
  • To be honest I stopped monitoring my sugar and fat becuase I almost always go over. However most of my sugar is fruit...I now love use to be chocolate bars so it could be worse. And since I have been trying to increase my calories I eat nuts which always puts me over on my fat. I thought since most of the fat…
  • Wow thanks for all the advice and reply's! There are so many different opions and numbers its all so confusing! The first 60 pounds seemed so easy! OK so...first the breastfeeding calories show up in my diary as a food and subtract from what I have eaten. So on days my diary said I ate 1600, I actually ate 1900 because it…
  • Ok so I just went and looked at my dairy for the past week and a bit and the most I have eaten was a little over 1900 and that was 1 day...all the other days have only been 1800ish with left over workout calories sitting there. So now it kind of confuses me more.
  • As for my exercise cals being high....I have all my stats set right in my HRM. But I do push pretty hard with my avg heart rate usally between 165 - 169 and my max being in the 180s....highest has been 186...and these workouts are things like turbofire, Jillian Michaels BFBM....and usally a little something extra after…
  • Thank you to both of you....everything is helpful at this point. I do like the idea of sticking with one number like 1800 and then not going over it. It is sometimes hard to plan my day not knowing how many cal I will burn with exercise. As for my numbers being high...thats what I keep thinking. But when I posted about a…
  • Hi! I know how it is with a toddler running around and having no energy. Although when I started working out a regular basis my energy levels went up on thier own without any other supplements so maybe it will be the same for you. I have a little boy who just turned 2 on the weekend and a 9 year old who keep me busy. I am…
  • Eating back my exercise calories in new to me, but I have stopped losing and keep gaining and losing the same 3 lbs since Christmas! So I have to try something new and I have been told by many people on here I am not eating enough. I believe it becuase I am much more tired and my body feels weaker doing my workouts. So…
  • Thank you to all of you who took the time out to reply to me :smile: I am going to try really hard to start netting 1200. Today I felt like i was eating all day to get my calories in. I had alot of nuts...but now I am way over on fat. And to top it off I cut down my workout so I wouldnt have to eat so many calories....and…
  • My intention is not to starve myself. I have upped my calories from 1200 when I started to 1600 and now i try for about 1800. I guess I just struggle with eat more to lose more. I feel like I am always eating and thats what got my into this problem to begin with. I have picked up some almonds and trail mix hoping to add a…
  • Yes bigger people burn more calories then someone smaller. Also they can manage having larger deficets at first. If I was you I would set my goal to loose 2lbs a week. Then when you log your exercise calories only eat back some of. I usally try to listen to my body sometimes I eat back very few, but usally about half works…
  • I would eat back your exercise calories, or at least half. I am breastfeeding my son still, although he is much older. I found when I wasnt eating any of them back my milk supply was decreasing and I stopped losing. I am finding right now eating back at least half is working best for me. So I would try maybe eating back…
  • I thought it was backwards too, I stayed at a platue for about 2-3 months until I finally said ok I will try upping my calories. Once I did, I got on the scale at the end of the week and was down 3ish lbs! Since then I havent been as reluclant to eat enough. Also could some of that wieght be you retaining water in the…
  • I am currently breastfeeding a toddler too. He is almost 2 and weighs 22lbs. He eats like yours somedays I am almost 100% his food source, but most days he is about 50/50 to 75%food/25% me. I have been losing for 11 months and find that with exercise and nursing my body is happiest inbetween 1600-2100 calories depending on…
  • BUMP hoping someone can answer!:smile:
  • Anyone have any idea of actual calorie burn using a heart rate monitor compared to what the game says?
  • There are so many exercise games for the wii, i have golds gym dance, exerbeat, walk it out, ea active and ea active more workouts. You can play all of those without the balance board. Not having to buy a balance board makes it ALOT cheaper. All of those games are also more intense then wii fit. Also they are fun so you…
  • Hi Dawn, Im Kayla. I love Jillian Michaels workouts. So far I have done 30 day shred, No more trouble zones, cardio kickboxing and Banish Fat boost matabolism. I love all of them for different reasons, but since I still have alot to lose I usually do cardio kickboxing and banish fat boost matabolism more often. I am on…
  • My son is 19 months and I started trying to lose wieght when he was 11 months old. IN about 9 months I have lost 52 pounds. I workout 4-6 days a week, usally 5. I usally work out in the mornings using a video like 30 day shred, some videos on things like that. My wieght loss has slowed down and on average I…
  • I have tried 30ds, Banish Fat Boost Matabolism, and No More Trouble Zones. I love them all! 30ds is shorter so if your short on time thats the one I use. Currently I alternate between BFBM and NMTZ. I love them and really feel like I had a good workout and close to death when I'm Done!
  • Thank you everyone for all the responses. I have been trying to educate myself as much as possible so I can do this right and the healthy way. I do not have a heart rate monitor so I do not know the exact calories I burn. I do know that jillian Michaels BFBM, and NMTZ are both about 57 minutes of circuit training at my…