OMG I have done it all....I'd bring a healthy lunch to work and eat i front of everyone, then sneak in the vending machine and get a candy bar and chips and run in bathroom and scarf it down like a pig! I refuse to wear shorts to this day. I also wear mis match underwear and bras...which I totally can't wait to buy…
I bought a pair of very sexy jeans from Express about a year and a half ago...hoping to lose 15 lbs and get into them. Well, now I need to lose about 40, and I WILL get into them. The tags are still on them, I set them right in front of my elliptical as a reminder to workout even harder to get into those babies!!!…
I don't know why I am not able to view the pics, but it would be wonderful if I could??
You are looking great hun! Keep up the hard work and effort!
Wow, thanks for giving me the motivation. You look great!! Keep it up.
Thanks so much ladies. This is not easy for anybody and it kills me inside when I hear such shallow people comment on people being fat..they dont realize half the battle. And when I whine, cry, make comments about myself being overweight, health people say "Well all u have to do is eat fruits and veggies, eat in…