

  • No worries, good luck in your quest!
  • Hi 1kg a week is a reasonable starting goal (2.2lbs) also good to have a non number related goal- for example, take a pair of jeans/pants whatever that wont close and decide to get into them comfortably :)
  • Hi, Hows it going, if you are burning up lots that great, to be honest I would think its ok to be up to 200 cal under your goal. I certainly wouldn't think eating in the evening to make up your cals is a good thing. Anyway to what you were saying about portion sizes, you can weigh etc. but really you want to be eating…
  • Hi, Don't worry you arent REALLY hungry, its kind of a trick, you have enough calories in what you have eaten- you are just in the habit of eating more. Ride it out, I'm just at the start of my health kick this time and my tummy rumbled today just before lunch it was a great feeling. Our blood sugar needs to return to…